This quarter, I have chosen not to replace my daily facial moisturizer, and instead use Kiehl's SPF 40 Sunscreen on a daily basis.
Some might argue that this is a profound display of laziness. But I contest it is a little sliver of my own personal genius.
Yes at first, I was being lazy. I can go to wherever, buy legit facial moisturizer, and put it on in the mornings to preserve my sunscreen. But instead, I decided it wasn't really worth the effort. Besides--sunscreen smells so good, it smells like summer.
After a while, I did buy standard facial moisturizer at the store, but I was upset with the quality. It made my face greasy, Bad Sign.
So throughout the duration of Winter Quarter, I've been using expensive Kiehl's sunscreen everyday to moisturize my face. At first I was like, wow, I can't believe I'm this lazy, I am wasting so much money doing this...but it turns out, the stuff lasts an incredibly long period of time. Some still might point out that this is not exactly the highest risk period for skin damage, but to that I counter... well actually they are probably right but it's good to play it safe, you know?
Plus, my skin is going to be so hard core protected. I bet this is a really good habit to be in.
So, for the rest of my life, I intend to keep using regular old sunscreen in the place of facial moisturizer. Unless they stop making Kiehl's SPF 40. That stuff is amazing. I'd recommend it to anyone.
Side Note: My classes are horrific. Terrorism is a hornet's nest and Italian is a psych ward.
The FBI better not come after me for saying that.
<3 muchos besos